Breaking A Bad Habit


Habits and repetitive, unwanted patterns of behaviour such as smoking, drinking, or OCD can really make us feel out of control in our day to day lives… until now.

NLP has been taught all around the world to help people understand that human behaviour can be broken down into a process, a series of pictures, sounds, feelings and words that when put into a certain order, allow us to do things, everything in fact! From brushing your teeth in a morning, to getting dressed, to making an important career decision, or you guessed it… having a bad habit, all come from an internal ‘strategy’, or a series of pictures, sounds, feelings and words that create the outcome they were designed for.

The brilliant thing about breaking behaviour down into a process is that it is then possible to create new strategies for yourself; turning an old unwanted behaviour into something that has a more positive outcome i.e. getting rid of your bad habit!

By using the breakthrough techniques of NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy it is possible to break an old unwanted pattern of behaviour in a very short amount of time, meaning you can get back to thinking about the more important things in your life.

We always offer a free no obligation consultation either over Skype or face to face so that you can make sure that our style of coaching is the right decision for you.

We have offices in the West Midlands UK, in both Birmingham City Centre, and in the surrounding areas of Stourbridge & Kinver.

Email or call us today to book your free session.